Here’s how misinformation and distrust in science are impacting global well-being. Plus, we present our regular roundup of this week’s science news.
How does a person’s childhood socioeconomic status (SES) influence their chances to participate and succeed in science? To investigate this question, we use machine-learning methods to link scientists ...
In the winter of 1911, Niagara Falls transformed into a surreal spectacle as a brutal cold snap turned the thundering cascade ...
The United States’ reputation as an exemplar of democracy appears to be eroding. In a poll taken earlier this year, almost three-quarters of U.S. respondents agreed that the country’s democracy “used ...
Physical chemist Giacinto Scoles, Princeton’s Donner Professor of Science, Emeritus, died in Sassenheim, the Netherlands, on ...
Nigerian actress Somkele Idhalama has sparked reactions after she announced that she featured in America science fiction Star ...
The Biden administration and California are close to finishing new plans for operating the state’s major water systems, an ...
By behaving in ways that real whip-poor-wills never do, Dunwich’s nightjars symbolize the horrors the Whateleys unleash on ...
Created by Canadian-American science writer/editor Dan Hogan and his wife Michele Hogan in December 1995, ScienceDaily features news from hundreds of contributing organizations worldwide.
Scientists are racing to find out whether the rapid retreat of glaciers could drive a surge in eruptions as magma builds ...
Juan Gilbert, chair of UF’s Department of Computer & Information Science and Engineering, called the appointment a ...
An American cryptocurrency executive held in Nigeria for the past eight months has been released after authorities there ...