A creative Halo fan online reimagines what the series might have looked like if it was initially released back in the early ...
近日,Halo Studios再次引发了争议。自从工作室负责人被曝出是DEI(多元化与包容性)的忠实支持者后,玩家们对于其是否会影响游戏开发产生了担忧。对此,Halo Studios的社区经理John Junyszek作出了回应,引起了广泛的争议。
A new Halo 3 mod turns the iconic Master Chief into a Pokémon % Master as functional Pokeballs come to the game.
快科技10月18日消息,代号Strix Point的锐龙AI 300系列发布之后,很多人都在期待更高端的Strix Halo,尤其它的GPU性能将达到空前高度,甚至有说法称可媲美移动版RTX ...
Multiple Halo content creators express their thoughts on the future of the Xbox franchise, specifically Combat Evolved Remake ...
Discover the journey of Halo, from its roots as a real-time strategy concept to a groundbreaking first-person shooter that ...
HALO概念店的推出,标志着滔搏与阿迪达斯在合作20周年之际,在零售创新领域再次迈出具有里程碑意义的一步,双方聚焦零售场景及消费者体验升级持续深化合作。 HALO概念店是阿迪达斯与滔搏强强联合打造的又一全新门店形态。HALO,中文释义为“光环”,HALO概念店期望通过顶级的产品与服务,为消费者带来世界级品牌体验,营造“光环效应”。
2024年10月18日,AMD正式确认其最新款APU命名为Strix Halo,标志着其在移动处理器市场中迈出了至关重要的一步。该产品是在备受期待的StrixPoint系列之后推出,旨在为游戏本和高性能笔记本提供前所未有的GPU性能。与现有产品相比,Strix Halo的GPU性能达到空前高度,甚至被认为可与移动版RTX ...
At yesterday's Halo World Championships, developer 343 Industries announced that it was officially changing its name to Halo ...
Halo’s unparalleled connectivity enables Beyond the Visual Line Of Sight (BVLOS) drone flights for authorities to safely monitor inaccessible areas remotely from a control centre.
Halo fans can get a Hallmark Master Chief ornament for the holidays this year, along with other video game-based decorations.
中证网讯(记者 王辉)记者10月21日获悉,滔搏携手阿迪达斯打造的adidas HALO概念店日前在武汉开业。滔搏国际CEO于武、阿迪达斯大中华区董事总经理萧家乐、武汉SKP董事长徐勇,以及知名田径运动员谢震业、吴艳妮等嘉宾共同出席了开业仪式。HALO概念店的推出,标志着滔搏与阿迪达斯在合作20周年之际,在零售创新领域再次迈出了具有里程碑意义的一步。